In order to support the school and all the work that the charity does in Zambia, we are grateful for any donations. It costs over £3000 a month to keep the project going!
You can donate via JustGiving by clicking on the button below.
For an idea of how you can help:
£10.00 provides a bag of Meali Meal to feed 350 children at school
£20.00 provides a bag of Rice to feed 350 children at school
£50.00 provides a 90 Kg bag of beans to feed 350 children at school for a month
£70.00 provides 90 Kg of Capenta dried fish to feed 350 children at school for a month
£65.00 pays for a general worker at the school
£150.00 pays for one teacher for a month (there are 7 at the school)
£600 provides for food for both the house and school for a month.
Every search on EveryClick earns us money, and if you do your shopping via their portal Give As You Live we get a percentage of what you spend without any charge to yourself. This includes websites like Amazon and John Lewis which aren’t usually on cashback sites. Get shopping!! will donate £10 to the Heal Project if you take out a car insurance through their site. Please go to the Heal Project page on to get a quote.
Alternatively you can send a cheque or any other help that you can give by contacting us at:
Heal Project
Meadow Walk
New Road
BH24 3NJ
Thank you in advance for all your support.